


Fish Oil Side Effects - base Side Effects of Taking Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements

Are you aware of all the side effects that come with taking a fish oil supplement?  If you don't, this record discusses what omega 3 fish oil side effects you should be aware of.

Omega 3 supplements tend to make your blood thinner.  This is good for most habitancy (because it prevents clotting).  But if you are already on blood-thinning medication, then taking an omega 3 fish oil supplement may thin out your blood too much.

Fish Oil Supplements Side Effects

If you take high doses of a supplement (over 4000mg/day), then you may find it hard for your blood to clot after you cut yourself.  A potential supplement will contain sufficient Dha and Epa omega-3 in two capsules anyways, which is only 2000mg/day.

Fish Oil Side Effects - base Side Effects of Taking Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements

If you are allergic to fish, you need to be weary about omega 3 fish oil side effects.  Start out taking very low doses to begin with.  If you know what exact types you are allergic to, then look at the label and make sure the goods isn't made using it.  If it doesn't say what it's made with, then you probably don't want to buy it anyways.

Supposedly, the best omega-3 supplements are made from the oils of tuna, sardines, anchovies, and salmon.  But I've found it better to stay away from heavily fished species.  Much of the salmon you eat and that's used in supplements are farm-raised, meaning they are fed artificial diets.  This makes them much lower in omega-3s than usual.

If you take prescribed beta blockers, Ace inhibitors, or alpha blockers to lower your blood pressure, a fish oil supplement will lower it even more.  I know it's good to have low blood pressure, but you don't want to too low.

Other tasteless omega 3 fish oil side effects are indigestion, acid reflux, and heartburn. Fortunately, these can be precisely avoided.  All you have to do it take the supplement with a meal.

Probably the most tasteless omega 3 fish oil side effects are belching, burping, and repeating.  When the oils in a supplement are not fresh (oxidation has started to take place), it causes unpleasant burping and repeating.  Not only does this smell very bad, it tastes very bad too.

Fish Oil Side Effects - base Side Effects of Taking Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements No URL

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